Happy, Yet Sad
The last day of July. We are in the fourth of five intensive weeks. Time flies so fast when you have such a busy and interesting schedule...

Public Speaking and the Capstone Project
It is almost week five and time is running fast! As these are our final days in Boston, we do our best to appreciate the city that hosted...

Protecting the Common Good
It's the last week at the Institute on Civic Engagement, and a though theme comes up dulcis in fundo: environmental issues. The link...

Find Inspiration. Be Inspiration.
It's our last week in Chattanooga and all I do is trying to slow down time. I’m trying to appreciate and live every moment; create more...

Wishing to Turn Back My Clock
As we are approaching the end of our SUSI program, and we are getting used to the American habits and customs, everything takes a bit of...