Wishing to Turn Back My Clock

As we are approaching the end of our SUSI program, and we are getting used to the American habits and customs, everything takes a bit of a sad color since we know that in less than two weeks we will be saying goodbye each other and will be going back to our countries.
Today it was a sunny day here in Boston, almost 86 °F, or 30 °C for the Europeans like us. The heaviness of the temperature was alleviated by the fact that we had a free afternoon after the morning's lecture. I used that time to work on my Capstone Project with my team and afterwards I decided to take the subway and head to the center of Boston for one of my favorite activities: getting lost in foreign cities. That's how I think a place you don't know should be explored and discovered: step by step, with your backpack on the shoulders, your eyes, your ears and your nose open to what the living place that surrounds you can offer. I managed to send some postcards to my family and friends and I had a lemonade in a peaceful garden at the center of Post Office Square. After some gift shopping, I ended up getting an authentic American dinner: burger and fries!
How I love Boston and how I will miss it! I wish I could turn back my clock and start again this amazing experience!