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Find Inspiration. Be Inspiration.

It's our last week in Chattanooga and all I do is trying to slow down time. I’m trying to appreciate and live every moment; create more memories! So today, after our lesson with Dr. Butler about international relations, we had a meeting with the Mayor of Chattanooga, Andy Burke. In our talk, he shared his dynamic background and his vision for Chattanooga. It’s quite significant to have a talk with a Mayor that contributed to the development of a city that, a few years back, did not have any “competitive advantage”.

Walking back to the campus I had the chance to meet one of the most inspiring people from this program – Molse Baptiste. I didn’t have a lot of expectations before meeting him. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to find more details about his background so my hopes were that the “Leadership Session Lecture on Public Speaking” on our schedule will be at least something interesting. And it was! One of the greatest speeches I ever heard. I always knew that storytelling is one of the best approaches to catch the attention of your audience. But today’s storytelling?! That was fascinating! His passion about his home country and the challenges he faced is more than inspiring. I wish I could use a better word to describe it. People like him, who have sparkle in their eyes, who are more than willing to help others are idols. And since now, I did not have any idol.

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