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The Fruit of Love is Service

"The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”, as Mother Theresa says.

We proved this quote right on Thursday during our volunteering at Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute, a nature preserve in Moscow, Idaho. We helped the people who worked there by cleaning the area, cutting the thorns of some plants, filling the wheelbarrows with fertilizer, pushing them up the hill and then unloading them at a certain place that needed to become flat. As we were all working we felt the team spirit which really made us feel great.

At the end of the volunteering process, we had a reflective meeting where we discussed how happy we were working even without getting paid. We understood that sometimes taking huge smiles instead of money is all that grants you satisfaction.

After this we came back to our dorms and had our daily lunch. We worked on our Capstone Projects and in the evening we presented them in front of the class and two members of the WSU team. During our presentation we shared opinions, constructive criticism, as well as ratings for everything each of us had done.

We are glad that we have been working with each other for the projects and we can’t wait for the final presentation in Washington, DC.

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