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The Sweet and the Sour

A sorrow day. It was full of fun, hard work and satisfaction. Nevertheless, the awareness that soon we will leave such an amazing place, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, a place I have started to accept and see as home, kicked in. While eating the last of our homemade meals in the USA, I wondered what I will miss the most. My answer is people: on one hand, I love and do not want to lose my friends, the other SUSI students from my cohort, but I can, and I will meet them in Europe, so I do not have to worry about missing them. On the other hand, our superb mentors, local program organizers and every amazing person from Chattanooga I will miss and hopefully meet them again.

However, there is plenty of positive on my mind as we visited and had the chance to help at the local food bank. Apart from that we also delved on to our Capstone Projects. It seems that things for everyone are coming along nicely, and presentations are about to be finished. Great teamwork, sense of impact and upcoming plans for our New York trip made this day a truly pleasant and efficacious experience.

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