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One Kid, One Smile

When I woke up this morning I would have never thought that we were going to play for two hours with twelve amazing kids. I would say that in our three weeks here, we learned more with the kids than from anyone else. We learned that art is the best expression of our thoughts, that we can mix and play with colors and we can get a beautiful piece of art.

Every kid was amazing from Little Andrew and Brianne, to Jonathan and Sara but, I want to make a special mention to two little girls I met, Sofia and Aranza. These two little kids are from Venezuela and they have been in the United States for nine months. We started talking about their experience here and Sofia told me that they came here because her dad doesn't have a job in Venezuela. And although she likes the U.S., she wants to go back because, as she said, "my family is in Venezuela and I miss them."

During the week we have seen different stories of migration. But, that simple phrase made me realize the hard time that migrants go through and not only them, but also their families. I can affirm that we have more fun than the children when we played basketball, soccer and "the pizza game". Running, chasing each other, laughing and shouting were the ingredients of a perfect morning. The Boys and Girls Club is an organization that we will always remember with love, the smiles of all those children have made our lives a little bit better and have remind us what was like to be a little kid. The morning went by so fast and before we even notice it we have to leave and go back to the SUSI student routine.

In the afternoon we worked on our Capstone Projects. I love seeing everyone working together. The passion in their eyes, the small discussions about every detail or the "stupid" questions about how are we going to dress for Washington, DC made me realize that we only have two weeks left. And although it makes me really sad, now I know that I have to enjoy every single moment that I am with these amazing 20 Europeans. Each and everyone of them has made this experience the best summer I have ever had. From the sleepy breakfast at Honeycomb to the political debates in class. These crazy Europeans have so much passion, so much love and so much joy in their lives that I wouldn't have find a better way to spend my summer.

Today it has been one of the best days here because not only we work for our purpose but we make the lives of these twelve kids better. There are only two weeks left but I know that with these Europeans who I can call my friends they are going to be the most memorable days we spend here.

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