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Working Day and Night

To quote Rihanna, “Work, work, work, work, work, work..."

Our 19th day at UTC started in full force with an amazing lecture on international non-governmental organizations held by Dr. Khmelko. Challenged to find solutions that could help the thousands of people living in slums, our teams put themselves into the position of the organizations that are trying to make the world a better place.

After a short break which helped us recharge, we jumped right into the development of our Capstone Projects, a complex yet very rewarding task. As each group is determined to create something impactful and beneficial for society, the hours of group study were spent brainstorming, debating and remodeling the first ideas we had designed the previous day. One of the most important lessons we learned during this time is that teamwork makes the dream work. It is only by combining all of our perspectives and ideas that we can come up with something spectacular.

Finally, our efforts were rewarded with a fun dinner spent together with the participants of the Veterans Entrepreneurship Program at Southside Social. We had the chance to compete against each other in bowling, table tennis and to continue the discussions started the day before, all the while enjoying delicious mozzarella sticks, spicy wings and BBQ. The perfect ending for a perfect day!

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