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Defenses of Peace

Tuesday morning started with Capstone project. We were together at Honors hall ready to express our ideas. The area around campus is the best for working so each of the teams found their place to be more productive.

Each group was full of energy and too excited to give life to their project so that it serves to the community in the best way possible. Three hours went by so fast. Yet, our minds felt the need for some rest.

The second part of the day was also quite interesting. We had class with Bill Smith, Director of Martin Institute. He talked to us about the Institute and then we discussed UNESCO.

"Since wars begin in the minds of the man, it is in the minds of the men that the defenses of peace must be constructed". We already were familiar with UNESCO but Professor Bill helped us expand our knowledge. He also cast some light upon the occasional conflicts within UNESCO, such as the stances the US took over the years. Professor even gave us some helpful information that emphasized the role of communication in UNESCO as well as the role of PR in educational platform.

At the end of the day we had already answered the questions that had been running through our mind as regarding aspects of the topics we dealt with.

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