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Qualities of a Good Community Leader

The journey of the SUSI Civic Engagement participants continued mostly in the classroom today, however, this does not mean that it was any less entertaining. During the pre-speaker session, we managed to share our ideas about what qualities should a good community leader be equipped with and how should they act. These concepts were then discussed with Elise Partin mayor of Cayce, who reflected on them with her first-hand information. The session was greatly inspirational, and many felt motivated to take action themselves and run for a public office once they get home. Her experience and expertise in public affairs was visible especially during answering the challenging questions that she faced. As she admitted, being a civil servant is a demanding, yet a very rewarding task. If someone is willing and passionate enough to work on progressive solutions that enhance the working of a town or a country, they most definitely should part take in public affairs. And as the post-speaker session showed, there is definitely interest in doing so, among the participants.

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