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Cultural Shock or Not?!

Today we all wake up in our host family’s house. We all have different experiences regarding how American people live and how a usual Sunday looks like. Well, if every Sunday is like what I experienced, then I’m moving here…

So we had our breakfast at a beautiful place near Signal Mountain where we stay, called First Watch, and then we went to the market. It’s beautiful to discover how people here have traditions that are different than mine but at the same that we don’t differ that much. We are all the same yet we are all that different. My family was really similar to my real one! They were warm and loud people and this made me feel like home… So, no cultural shock yet! I enjoy giving them their presents from Cyprus. It was a beautiful base full of sand from the beaches there.

In the market many new tastes made me understand the sour and spicy side of the U.S. I enjoyed the country music and talking with locals. Everyone is so kind and willing to help and say a “how y’all doing?” I’m getting used to the accent here since my family helped me to spot the “difference”.

I wonder how the others experience their homestays…

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