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Overcoming Culture Shock

These packages are so huge. Why do they have 20 sorts of soda?

These were the first thoughts that came to my mind when I entered one of the grocery shops in Columbia, South Carolina.

To be more serious, we all experienced a culture shock. The way how Americans meet each other is quite unusual for Europeans. In the U.S., it is common to hear "How are you?" from a random person you see the first time in your life while in Europe you do not expect that. Of course, after 2 days we got used to it, and I think that all of us enjoy this part of American culture!

The main thing that shocked us is the ability of everyone to bear arms. Also, everyone doesn’t use metric system here, so were a little but confused by Fahrenheit, miles, inches, pounds and feet. We still don’t understand but we will try our best to cope with them.

I think that our shock started to disappear, and we begun to understand all the historical circumstances of our cultural differences.

Participants on the Civic Engagement Institute volunteered with Habitat for Humanity.

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