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Day One in Boston

Hello from Boston! My name is Farhat and I have the pleasure of writing the first post for this blog on behalf of the UMB cohort.

Sunday started early with breakfast followed by a small photo shoot (see the result down below 👇🏽).

A little later in the day, we were honored to meet Joseph Berger, PhD Dean, the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He told us a little about the program, how the weeks were set up and what we could expect. Before lunch we had the chance to have a "get to know each other" game. We were supposed to present each other and tell some fun facts about the other person.

After lunch we went downtown where I realized how different public transport was in the USA compared to Norway. You see, in Norway the buses and the undergrounds go all the time. Its not necessary to plan a bus trip because the bus arrives anytime almost every 5 minutes, but in Boston we had to wait a long time before the train arrived🚉.

Once downtown we had the chance to walk around in the city, do some shopping, take pictures and have dinner (which, by the way, was very good pizza 🍕).

All in all, I've had a really nice day and I'm looking forward for tomorrow. Good night!🌚🌙

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