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Chattanooga 2.0

It has been almost five days since we arrived, and we already feel home at Chattanooga. Wherever we go, we meet extremely friendly and open folks who are more than willing to indulge in a conversation with us. Coming from Norway, where we are generally more reserved, this friendliness and openness has made a significant impact on me. Today was our second day with classes and it started with another great lecture on social entrepreneurship by Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at UTC, Dr. Philip Roundy. During the class we learned about the difference between conventional and social ventures, and how to identify and develop an entrepreneurial idea. Later we discussed some of the challenges social entrepreneurs may face when they establish their business idea.

After the lecture we met with the VP of Talent Initiatives at the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, Molly Blankenship, and the Chief Executive Officer of The Company Lab, Marcus Shaw. During the meeting session we gained valuable insight on the role the Chamber of Commerce plays in Chattanooga, and how it is negotiating with different companies to bring new businesses to the city. We learned that the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, alongside local NGOs and public institutions, has created a community-wide educational initiative, called Chattanooga 2.0. The purpose of this initiative is to improve the academic excellence in Hamilton county and to provide an educated workforce for the future.

Later on, we met with students from the URaCE Summer Research Experience program at UTC and discussed their summer research work and the impact it may have on the society. Their research work ranges from using solar cells to charge electric bikes, to the economic impact of big data in the healthcare industry.

It was, all in all, a great day in Chattanooga where we gained valuable knowledge, skills and experience in order to put us in a better position to create the next social venture.

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