Off to the Oregon Coast
After a short introduction at the parking lot in Eugene we where on our way to the coast. Three days without any internet connection!

Playing road trip music made the 3 hour ride seem like less.
First we arrived in a small town Florence, Oregon. Kelly was waiting for us to tell us more about this touristic town. A few things stood out: they have a program to improve the city in witch they cooperate with citizens. For instance to bring back the balance between the different age groups, as the city is currently known as a retirement city. They want to encourage youngsters to start businesses in Florence.
After hearing about the city we went in to explore on our own. Soon we met a few locals who where sitting on a terrace, they recommended the place for it's pizza. So we went in.

With the satisfaction of a full stomach we went further on our road trip to the campsite.

Here we discussed ORE observations and reflections in which we had to look for an example of a culture difference which shocked us. We had to observe what was going on, reflect on what could be the reason why the situation acted out in the way it did, and why we had the first interpretation of the situation. This all taught us not to judge (people or situations) too soon.
The night ended with s'mores!