The Mind is Like a Parachute
Today was the first lecture about diversity with Dr. Dawson and it was a very interactive and informative experience. A minute into the lecture, future leader, Marika, asked Dr. Dawson what her definition of diversity was. Dr. Dawson defined diversity as the differences and similarities that make a difference. One of Dr. Dawson rules is that you can not speak "politically correct". So everybody was speaking their minds and interacting in the discussions that were going on. This was really valuable, because we got to see issues from different perspectives.

Continuing our discussion about diversity we had a workshop with Allison Cansler and Lauren Ouwerkerk about stereotypes on male and female leaders. We expressed our different views on this topic an came to the conclusion that stereotypes depend on your cultural background.
After this we visited the elders at the life care center of Hixson. We prepared some traditional dances, songs and improvisation theater. We were also happy to tell them about our culture and the places that we come from.