McKenzie River Trust
It has been a week since we have all arrived at Eugene and yet
it feels as it has been a month. Always encountering new experiences and learning new facts, helps us to create our own point of view about the United States. After one of those classes, we went to the McKenzie River Trust.

It is a spectacular place, where nature and biodiversity is to be restored. A majestic location with a unique landscape, wild and yet calming. We volunteered in a forestry project, intending to help the forest revive at the small river island. With teamwork and persistence, we managed to protect and strengthen the young little trees in order to turn into a great, self-sufficient forest.

It was quite symbolic, as this task resembles a lot the mission people and specifically we, the younger generation with environmental concerns, are charged with: to respect and restore the environment, as well as to assist and protect every component of it in need.
We are looking forward to all the exciting and fascinating aspects of the SUSI program, as it always manages to surprise us in some way!