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Groups Day

Today we had a busy schedule! Starting at 8:30 am, we had the weekly briefing with our great coordinators Heather and Savannah.

Then, we moved into details with Dr. Philip Roundy about designing social venture business models. We tried to come up with some good ideas and to implement them forming small different groups.

Actually, it is quite difficult to move from a simple idea, even if it is clear, to a real viable project. Indeed, it took a long time but we learned a lot and I think it will be useful when working on our Capstone projects.

After a healthy lunch, we went to the splendid UTC library for the "leadership development session" with Dr. Rob Liddell about networking. This was an opportunity to hear from an expert what makes a CV (or a resume for European standards) interesting and competitive. We also pointed out some differences when approaching and talking to people in different cultures. Dr. Liddell gave us some good tips to network in an efficient way, so in the end we were very pleased.

Afterwards we had the presentation of Monika Wilcox from FHI 360, where we discussed in details the Capstone project. It is great to know that we will be able to implement our projects after the SUSI program thanks to special funds!

Last but not least, we tried to improve our Capstone groups with the aid of Takeo Suzuki (Executive Director), we will soon know the results, let's see if we can do better!

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