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BBQ, Country Music, and Peach Ice Cream

Happy birthday, America!

Independence Day is a national holiday, accompanied by patriotic ideas. On this day in 1776, representatives of 13 states in the building of the city meeting of Philadelphia signed a document proclaiming the United States independent of the United Kingdom.

And till that time the 4th of July became Independence Day.

Families often celebrate Independence Day by having a picnic or barbecue with friends. They also can meet each other and celebrate it in family dinner.

Today we met a lot of different families and different people. They have different professions, different houses, different ages, but all of them came together to celebrate a big summer holiday.

It was amazing to be part of this American family (I can say that America is a big family, full of different people). It's really nice when you can see that people exchange smiles with you and wish a good day. We understood that these people really love their country and they always can help you.

After the parade we witnessed a wonderful country music concert. It was awesome to eat peach ice-cream and listen to cool music.

I had a lot of fun and was in a good mood in friendly atmosphere -that's what you can get on 4th of July. Happy birthday America, happy Independence Day!

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