Creating Bonds and Learning about American Culture
Hello! This is Corneliu, the photojournalist of the first of July.
I believe that this Saturday was one of the most peaceful days I've had in a while. In the morning, we went to Soda City, which was very interesting. We do have plenty of these kind of "fairs" in Romania and I've seen lots in other EU countries, but I've been a bit surprised to find that they do that in the USA too. I liked how people were very friendly and enthusiastic and I think the Soda City is a great way for friends to get together. Also, the food was nice (I had the first taco of my life and I enjoyed it).

Afterwards, we went to the zoo. It's been a long time since I've actually been to a zoo, so this was quite a pleasant experience. Although the heat here got the best of me, I really enjoyed the time we spent there. However, the end of the day was actually the best "American experience" I've had so far. We went to Lake Murray to see the fireworks, but we saw a lot more than that. It was relaxing see all those families having such a good time and all those kids happily running around without a care in the world. We went swimming in the lake and afterwards we watched the fireworks show we had all been waiting for. I believe the first of July was a day of creating bonds between the group members and also a day of learning about American culture.