The Friendly Faces of Chattanooga
A very warm welcome to Chattanooga! After almost three days I already feel at home. There is such a strong sense of community here in Chattanooga, which is something I really admire. When we first reached UTC, we were greeted with open arms from an organisation called First Friends, and since then the friendly faces have not stopped! We even took a trip downtown and were confused on when to cross the road, but Chattanooga has so many friendly people -a security guard kindly helped us work it out and shared his experiences in Europe.
Today we had our welcome reception, which was really enjoyable, and was followed by a team building activity at the Challenger Center. Our team tried to achieve the impossible and complete a mission to Mars!
Our SUSI 2017 team is already being to feel like a family. This evening we attended a music event downtown and it showed me the diversity present in Chattanooga. It really impressive! I am really looking forward to engage with more people in the community, volunteer here in Chattanooga, and create a sustainable project to bring the community spirit Chattanooga has back to my hometown in Ireland.