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4th of July!

Since we are now Americanized Europeans, we wanted to celebrate 4th of July for real! We started our day by going to the Lexington Country Peach Festival. We had an awesome time there, despite the almost deadly heat and the abundant amount of peaches. Dressed in American-colored accessories we enjoyed the music, did some dancing and ate a lot of peaches.

After the festival we had a great opportunity to spend the afternoon at a lake house. In this beautiful place we were able to enjoy the sun, swim, eat, drink and just chill out while also getting to know Americans and their culture. Even though we would gladly have spent the whole day there, after a few hours we left with cheerful and relaxed feelings and a lot of sunburns.

The rest of the evening was supposed to be filled with fireworks and Americans, but we ended up eating pizza and just listening to the fireworks popping in the distance. But we were all happy about the way everything turned out; we got the perfect American experience! All in all I don’t think we could have had a better 4th of July!

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